Check whether the current element of the iterator is acceptable


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)

FilterIterator::acceptCheck whether the current element of the iterator is acceptable


abstract bool FilterIterator::accept ( void )

Returns whether the current element of the iterator is acceptable through this filter.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

TRUE if the current element is acceptable, otherwise FALSE.


Example #1 FilterIterator::accept() example

// This iterator filters all values with less than 10 characters
class LengthFilterIterator extends FilterIterator {

    public function 
accept() {
// Only accept strings with a length of 10 and greater
return strlen(parent::current()) > 10;


$arrayIterator = new ArrayIterator(array('test1''more than 10 characters'));
$lengthFilter = new LengthFilterIterator($arrayIterator);

foreach (
$lengthFilter as $value) {
$value "\n";

The above example will output:

more than 10 characters

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