Returns if the specified mode outputs blocks or not


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5)

mcrypt_module_is_block_modeReturns if the specified mode outputs blocks or not


bool mcrypt_module_is_block_mode ( string $mode [, string $lib_dir ] )

This function returns TRUE if the mode outputs blocks of bytes or FALSE if it outputs just bytes. (e.g. TRUE for cbc and ecb, and FALSE for cfb and stream).



One of the MCRYPT_MODE_modename constants, or one of the following strings: "ecb", "cbc", "cfb", "ofb", "nofb" or "stream".


The optional lib_dir parameter can contain the location where the algorithm module is on the system.

Return Values

This function returns TRUE if the mode outputs blocks of bytes or FALSE if it outputs just bytes. (e.g. TRUE for cbc and ecb, and FALSE for cfb and stream).

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